Metropolitan Symeon celebrates a festive Liturgy on the occasion of the Patronal Feast of the Church of Demydivka village, Vinnytsia district

On 14 October 2023, Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and Bar paid an archpastoral visit to the village of Demydivka of the Hnivanska territorial community of Vinnytsia district. The religious community of the local Church of the Protection of Mother of God has recently joined the Local Orthodox Church of Ukraine together with its rector, Archpriest Igor Mironov. The Demydivka parish is one of the few parishes of the Vinnytsia-Bar Diocese of the OCU that still adheres to the old calendar style and therefore celebrates the Patronal Feast of its church, the Feast of the Protection of the Holy Theotokos on 14 October.

On the occasion of the Patronal Feast, a solemn Divine Liturgy was held in the church, celebrated by Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and Bar in concelebration with representatives of the diocesan clergy, including Archpriest Anatoliy Aksanyuk, Dean of Vinnytsia, Archpriest Valery Kushnir, Archpriest Dimitri Pasichnyk and other clergy who were invited to the celebration.

During the liturgy, prayers were offered for Ukraine and the victory of the Ukrainian army, for the parishioners and benefactors of the church, and for the local government leaders who also attended the festive service.

The Liturgy was followed by a religious procession around the church and prayers to the Holy Theotokos asking for Her gracious help and protection over the defenders of Ukraine and the entire Ukrainian people.

Immediately after the cross procession, Metropolitan Symeon addressed the parishioners and guests of the holiday with an archpastoral sermon. His Eminence congratulated the community on the first Patronal Feast in the bosom of the canonical Local Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Metropolitan Symeon presented the active parishioners and benefactors of the church with icons of the Holy Virgin. The Archpastor also presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the church's warden, Petro Barchuk, as a blessing for his many years of work for the benefit of the Holy Orthodox Church.

On the same day, Archpriest Igor Mironov, rector of the Church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin in Demydivka village, Vinnytsia district, also received an award. With the blessing of the Primate of the OCU, His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine, Father Igor Mironov was awarded the medal "For Sacrifice and Love for Ukraine" for his conscientious pastoral service, active charitable work, missionary and educational work.

The Rector thanked Metropolitan Symeon for his archpastoral visit, prayers and constant care for his flock. The priest thanked his parishioners and all the guests for their joint prayers and for the support he constantly feels from his priest friends and his large parish family.

Press service of the Diocese of Vinnytsia and Bar of the UOC (OCU)

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