Metropolitan Symeon celebrates Liturgy in his native village on the occasion of the Anniversary of the consecration of the Altar Desk in the local church

On June 30, 2024, Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and Bar visited his native village of Raykivtsi in the Khmelnytsky region. On this day, when the Church honors the Council of the 12 Apostles and the memory of All Saints, a solemn service was held in the Church of St. Michael the Archangel on the occasion of the first anniversary of the consecration of the renewed Altar Desk.

The Liturgy was celebrated by Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and Bar, Archbishop Herman of Kamianets-Podilskyi and Novoushytskyi, and Archbishop Pavlo of Khmelnytskyi and Shepetivka. The hierarchs were concelebrated by Archpriest Volodymyr Marushchak, secretary of the Khmelnytsky Diocese, Archpriest Yuriy Tymoshchuk, Rector of the church, and clergy of the Vinnytsia-Bar, Khmelnytsky, and Kamianets-Podilsky dioceses.

During the service, a prayer was read for Ukrainian soldiers, victory and the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity.

Prayers were also offered for the repose of the souls of the fallen soldiers who gave their lives defending their native land from Russian invaders.

After the communion verse, a sermon was delivered by Father Orest Zhyhalo, a lecturer at the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy.

After the Liturgy and prayer service, Metropolitan Symeon addressed the congregation with an archpastoral word. His Eminence also thanked Archbishops Herman and Pavlo, clergy and faithful for their joint prayer and congratulated the Rector, Father Yuriy, and the villagers on the anniversary of the consecration of the Altar Desk. The hierarchs, clergy, and parishioners congratulated Archbishop Pavlo on his Name Day, which he had celebrated the day before.

At the conclusion of the prayerful celebrations, the hierarchs performed a funeral prayer at the graves of the soldiers who died defending Ukraine and at the graves of Metropolitan Symeon's family members.

Press service of the Diocese of Vinnytsia and Bar of the UOC (OCU)

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