Metropolitan Symeon concelebrates with Primate of the OCU at St. George's Monastery on the Cossack Graves

On July 7, 2024, on the Sunday of All Saints of the Ukrainian Land, His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphanius of Kyiv and All Ukraine led the Divine Liturgy at St. George's Monastery on the Cossack Graves (Pliasheva village, Rivne region). This is reported by the official website of the OCU.

The Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine was concelebrated by Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and Bar, Metropolitan Dymytriy of Lviv and Sokal, Metropolitan Oleksandr of Pereyaslav and Vyshneve, Metropolitan Hilarion of Rivne and Ostroh, Archbishop Lavrentiy of Luhansk and Starobilsk, Archbishop Matfey of Volodymyr and Novovolynsk, Archbishop Tikhon of Ternopil and Buchach, Archbishop Agapit of Vyshhorod, Bishop Paisiy of Zhytomyr and Ovruch, Bishop Gabriel of Rivne and Sarny, Bishop Arseniy of Bohuslav, Abbot Archimandrite Sofroniy (Bordyuk), local and invited clergy.

The service was attended by believers who came from different parts of Ukraine, defenders of Ukraine, the head of the Rivne Regional Military Administration Oleksandr Koval, philanthropists and intellectuals.

After reading the Gospel, His Beatitude delivered the sermon and offered a special prayer to the Lord at a time when the Motherland is in danger.

Also during the service, prayer requests were made for the soldiers who are defending Ukraine, for the government and our people, and for the repose of the souls of all the fallen defenders of the Motherland and civilians.

After the liturgy, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, in concelebration with the bishops and clergy, celebrated a litia for the repose of the victims of the car accident in Rivne region, as well as for the repose of the souls of the fallen Ukrainian Cossacks who fought steadfastly for Ukraine, for its freedom, for its honor, for its glory, for its people, and who laid down their lives in the battle of Berestechko.

After the funeral prayer, Metropolitan Epiphanius took part in a solemn procession and laid flowers at the monument to the heroes of the Battle of Berestechko.

According to the press service of the Kyiv Metropolis UOC (OCU)

Press service of the Diocese of Vinnytsia and Bar of the UOC (OCU)

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