Local miraculous icon of the Mother of God honored in Vinnytsia region

On October 13, the feast day of the Iverska-Myrnenska Icon of the Mother of God, a festive Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the church of Myrne village, Khmilnyk district, Vinnytsia region, where this shrine is permanently located. His Eminence was concelebrated by the Rector, Father Nazariy Trach, chaplain Vitaliy Trach and representatives of the clergy of the Vinnytsia-Bar and Vinnytsia-Tulchyn dioceses.

During the Liturgy, prayers were offered for Ukraine and the victory of the Ukrainian army. After the Liturgy and the procession around the church, a prayer service was held before the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which continues to pour out myrrh, which grants healing and gracious help after prayer to the Mother of God.

Metropolitan Symeon congratulated the Rector, parishioners and pilgrims on the holiday and preached a sermon about the Mother of God and Her intercession for those who turn to Her in faith. Metropolitan Symeon also congratulated Archpriest Vitaliy Trach on the Day of the Military Chaplain, which was celebrated the day before.

At the end of the ceremony, all those present bowed before the miraculous Iverska-Myrnenska icon and were blessed with holy myrrh.

Press service of the Diocese of Vinnytsia and Bar of the UOC (OCU)

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