Archpastor celebrates Liturgy and memorial service on Trinity Memorial Saturday

On June 22, 2024, on Trinity Memorial Saturday, Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and Bar celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Transfiguration Cathedral of Vinnytsia. His Eminence was concelebrated by the clergy of the Cathedral. During the Liturgy, funeral prayers were offered for the deceased archpastors and pastors, Ukrainian soldiers who died defending the territorial integrity of Ukraine and civilians killed in the Russian-Ukrainian war, and all deceased Orthodox Christians.

At the end of the Liturgy, Metropolitan Symeon addressed the parishioners with a sermon in which he called on the congregation to pray for their deceased relatives, as well as for the defenders of Ukraine and civilians who died in the war with the Russian aggressor. Afterward, the Archpastor and the priests held a memorial service.

Press service of the Diocese of Vinnytsia and Bar of the UOC (OCU)

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