Clergy and parishioners of the Cathedral pray for the repose of Metropolitan Makariy on the anniversary of his repose

June 4, 2024, marks the seventeenth anniversary of the repose of Metropolitan Makariy (Svystun), who served as the head of the Vinnytsia Diocese in 1992-2007. On this occasion, a funeral service was held at the grave of the deceased Archpastor, which is located on the territory of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Vinnytsia, led by tArchpriest Vitaliy Goloskevich. At the end of the prayer, Fr. Vitaliy addressed the clergy and parishioners and reminded them of the Christian virtues of the deceased Metropolitan Makariy, his service to the Church of Christ and his work at the Vinnytsia Cathedral, thanks to which he earned the love and good memory of many people.

Press service of the Diocese of Vinnytsia and Bar of the UOC (OCU)

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