A meeting of the clergy of Vinnytsia district was held in Vinnytsia

On October 25, 2023, a meeting of priests serving in the parishes of the Vinnytsia district was held at the Transfiguration Cathedral under the presidency of Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and Bar.

After a report by Dean Archimandrite Dorotheus (Markevych) on the state of affairs in the deanery, Metropolitan Symeon held a conversation with the clergy, in which he touched upon important issues, including maintaining parish records, preparing temples for winter, and restoring order in church territories and cemeteries.

The Metropolitan paid considerable attention to the issue of conducting classes with parishioners, either in the form of a Sunday school or conversations after services. The Archpastor emphasized that priests should celebrate as often as possible in all the parishes they serve. It is also important that at each Liturgy as many parishioners as possible receive the Holy Communion.

During the meeting, the clergy discussed with the Archpastor a number of other issues related to the life of the parishes and the Diocese as a whole, and also expressed their opinions on the publications in the "Church and Society" magazine, which was recently launched by the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Press service of the Diocese of Vinnytsia and Bar of the UOC (OCU)

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