Metropolitan Symeon took part in a solemn event to honor Vinnytsia region's medical professionals with the Order of St. Panteleimon

On May 31, 2024, a cultural and spiritual charity event "Under the Protection of St. Panteleimon" was held in Vinnytsia, during which the nominees for the 2023-2024 medical award for professionalism and mercy "Order of St. Panteleimon" were announced. At the invitation of the organizers, the Vinnytsia Regional Council of the Order of St. Panteleimon, Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and Bar took part in the event.

After a minute of silence, which was held to honor the memory of all the fallen defenders of Ukraine, medical workers and civilians who died at the hands of the Russian occupiers, and the performance of the Ukrainian anthem, Metropolitan Symeon read two prayers. The first prayer was for the Ukrainian people, the victory of the Ukrainian army over the Russian aggressor and a just peace for Ukraine. The second prayer was for the doctors who sacrificially serve others and do their best to restore health and save the lives of our brothers and sisters Ukrainians.

The prayer included the following words: "Lord, grant our doctors special strength - physical, spiritual and emotional. Let the excessive stress and trials they are going through now, caring for others, not harm them... Fill the hearts of doctors and those who care for the sick with mercy, love and patience, O Lord, even when it seems that all mercy, love and patience are exhausted. Teach us, O God, to be grateful to the doctors who do good to us and our neighbors, and always pray for them...".

After the prayer, a video presentation of the Order of St. Panteleimon, which is awarded to the best doctors in Ukraine and is considered a kind of "Medical Oscar", was shown. Particular attention was paid to the importance of this public medical project for the medical community of Vinnytsia region.

After the presentation, the Chairman of the Regional Council of the Order, Tetiana Bondarenko, as well as the First Deputy Head of the Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration, Natalia Zabolotna, and the Chairman of the Honorable Council of the Order of St. Panteleimon, Vasyl Kniazevych, addressed the audience.

After welcoming remarks from the honored guests of the event, the memory of the fallen medics was honored, among whom eight were from Vinnytsia. The prayer for the victims was read by representatives of the clergy who are members of the Regional Council. Among them was Archpriest Oleksiy Volkov, a clergyman of the Vinnytsia-Bar Diocese.

After the prayer, Metropolitan Symeon handed over icons of St. Panteleimon to the families of the fallen Vinnytsia medics and addressed the audience with a speech in which he thanked all the medics for their tireless work, and especially the military medics for their courage and high professionalism, which they show in difficult combat conditions directly on the front line and in military hospitals, saving the lives of Ukrainian defenders.

Metropolitan Symeon also congratulated all the nominees for the honorary award from Vinnytsia region and wished them God's help and blessing. His Eminence also greeted all the members of the Regional Council of the Order of St. Panteleimon and the Honorable Council, which unites all of Ukraine, and handed the Chairman of the Honorable Council Vasyl Kniazevych an icon of the Mother of God, on the back of which is written: "A blessing for good deeds."

At the end of the event, the Honorary Diplomas were presented to candidates in the nomination "For selfless service to the Ukrainian people, courage and fortitude in the struggle for the health of Ukrainians, for freedom and independence of Ukraine in the war against the Russian aggressor - for military doctors and for civilian doctors.

Press service of the Diocese of Vinnytsia and Bar of the UOC (OCU)

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