The Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy. Festive services at the Cathedral

On March 24, 2024, on the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and Bar celebrated the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at the Transfiguration Cathedral of Vinnytsia. The Archpastor was concelebrated by Archpriest Vitaly Goloskevich, Archpriest John Drozd, Archpriest Vasyl Korovai, Priest Stepan Kovalchuk, and Archdeacon Vladyslav Demchenko.

After reading the Gospel, the Archpastor preached a sermon in which His Eminence recalled the history and spiritual significance of the Feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy.

The Liturgy was followed by the Rite of the Triumph of Orthodoxy. At the end of the rite, Metropolitan Symeon congratulated the priests and parishioners on the holiday.

Press service of the Diocese of Vinnytsia and Bar of the UOC (OCU)

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