Together with the diplomats who arrived in Vinnytsia, Metropolitan Symeon honored the memory of the fallen defenders of Ukraine

On April 15, 2024, ambassadors and diplomats from eight countries arrived in Vinnytsia: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Estonia, Canada, Pakistan, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. The distinguished guests began their visit by honoring the memory of the fallen soldiers who gave their lives defending Ukraine from russian invaders. After a minute of silence, they laid flowers at the monument to the newest Ukrainian Heroes on Shevchenko Square. Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and Bar took part in the flower-laying ceremony.

The ceremony continued with the laying of lighted lamps to the Wall of Memory near the Transfiguration Cathedral, where the names of Vinnytsia residents who died since 2014 and before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation are inscribed on granite plaques. Before the lamps were laid, a short prayer was held for the repose of the defenders of Ukraine and civilians who died during the war.

Metropolitan Simeon then invited the guests to the Cathedral, where he told them about the history of the church, the difficult times the church experienced during the Soviet period, when it was repeatedly closed, turned into a barn, a gym, and a philharmonic hall, but was eventually restored and has now become a true "spiritual heart" of Vinnytsia and Vinnytsia region. Metropolitan Symeon emphasized that the Transfiguration Cathedral is the first church in Ukraine to be liberated from the captivity of the Moscow Patriarchate and join the autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Metropolitan Symeon also spoke about how Ukraine is currently fighting for its spiritual independence from Moscow, while brave soldiers are defending their Motherland on the battlefields. The Hierarch thanked the ambassadors and diplomats of friendly countries and through them conveyed greetings to the governments and peoples who are helping Ukrainians today to restrain the Moscow horde and protect not only Ukraine but the entire civilized world from it. In conclusion, the Metropolitan expressed his faith and confidence in Ukraine's victory, which it will certainly win with God's help and with the support of friendly countries.

After visiting the memorial and sacred center of Vinnytsia, the distinguished guests visited the Mykola Pyrogov Museum and attended a concert on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Barvinok children's dance ensemble, which is known in many countries.

Press service of the Diocese of Vinnytsia and Bar of the UOC (OCU)

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