Metropolitan Symeon celebrates Divine Liturgy in honor of Patronal feast of the Church in Khmilnyk district

On September 8, 2023, on the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and Bar celebrated the Divine Liturgy in honor of the patronal feast in the Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in the village of Berezhany, Kalynivka Territorial Community, Khmilnyk District.

A year and a half ago, the local religious community decided to withdraw from the jurisdiction of the UOC of the moscow patriarchate and join the canonical Orthodox Church of Ukraine, but due to the resistance of the former rector and a small group of his supporters, they could not exercise the right to pray in their native language in their church for a long time. Only recently, after a court decision, the community received legal documents and returned to their church. And today, the community celebrated its first Patronal Feast.

On the occasion of the feast, a Miraculous myrrh-flowing Icon of the Mother of God "Iveron-Myrnensks" was brought to Berezhany. The church was filled with parishioners who came to venerate this shrine and celebrate the Patronal Feast.

During the Liturgy, Metropolitan Symeon was concelebrated by priests from Vinnytsia and the clergy of the Khmilnyk Deanery. The Archpastor offered prayers for Ukraine and the victory of the Ukrainian army.

After the Liturgy, a procession around the church and a prayer service to the Mother of God with special prayers for Ukrainian families took place.

Metropolitan Symeon addressed the parishioners and guests of the celebration with an Archpastoral message. He also congratulated the rector, Fr Yuriy Voloshchuk, and the church community of Berezhany on the Patronal Feast. In turn, Fr Yuriy thanked Metropolitan Symeon for his archpastoral visit, prayers and blessings.

Press service of the Diocese of Vinnytsia and Bar of the UOC (OCU)

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