Clone of Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra

On February 2, 2024, on the day of the celebration of one of the twelve greatest feasts, the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphanius, Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and Holy Archimandrite of the Holy Dormition Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, led the Divine Liturgy in the Dormition Cathedral of the Lavra. This is reported by the official website of the OCU.

His Beatitude Metropolitan Enyphanius of Kyiv and All Ukraine was concelebrated by Elder Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon (Ecumenical Patriarchate), Metropolitan Makariy of Lviv, Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and Bar, Metropolitan Dymytriy of Lviv and Sokal, Metropolitan Serhiy of Donetsk and Mariupol, Metropolitan Yevstratiy of Bila Tserkva, Archbishop Lavrentiy of Luhansk and Starobilsk, Archbishop Onufriy of Chernivtsi and Kitsman, Archbishop Herman of Chernivtsi and Khotyn, Bishop Kirill of Uzhhorod and Khust, Bishop Savva of Donetsk and Slaviansk, Bishop Gabriel of Rivne and Sarny, Bishop Nikodim of Kherson and Tavria, Bishop Anthony of Chernihiv and Nizhyn, Bishop Efrem of Vasylkiv, the monastery's monastic brotherhood and invited clergy.

After reading the Gospel, the Primate of the Autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church delivered a sermon and offered a special prayer to the Lord at a time when the Motherland is in danger.

The service also included prayer requests for the soldiers who are defending Ukraine, for the government and our people, and for the repose of the souls of all the fallen defenders of the Motherland and civilians who died during the war.

At the end of the festive service, His Beatitude blessed candles and sprinkled the congregation with holy water.

According to the press service of the Kyiv Metropolis of the UOC (OCU)

Press service of the Diocese of Vinnytsia and Bar of the UOC (OCU)

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