Another two religious communities in Vinnytsia region join the Orthodox Church of Ukraine

On July 8, 2023, a solemn Divine Liturgy was held at the Holy Protection Church in Brodetske, Khmilnyk district, celebrated by Archpriest Valery Kushnir, the dean of the Koziatyn Deanery. This was the first Liturgy after the local religious community decided to leave the UOC (which continues to be in unity with the Russian Church) and join the canonical Orthodox Church of Ukraine. The first Liturgy was attended by many believers, including the choir members who had sung in the church before and assistants who helped the priest at the altar. For now, Archpriest Valeriy will take care of the parish, but a new rector will be appointed soon.

On this day, the first service after joining the OCU was held in the Holy Protection Church in Pyliava village, Vinnytsia district. A few months ago, the local religious community decided to change its administrative subordination and move to the canonical local Orthodox Church of Ukraine, but all this time it could not realize its right, which is guaranteed by the legislation of Ukraine. For some time, the church was closed, and before that, the former rector managed to take out the items that the community had purchased and needed to celebrate the Liturgy. This fact was discovered the day before when the laity finally got to their shrine.

Today, representatives of the church community prayed in Ukrainian for the first time in their church. A prayer service for Ukraine and its defenders, for the Ukrainian Church and all the residents of Pylyava was performed by Archimandrite Dorotheus (Markevich), dean of the Vinnytsia district. Afterward, a memorial service was held for the fallen soldiers.

A new rector will soon be appointed to Pylyava to prepare the church for the first Liturgy and celebrate the Holy Eucharist with the community.

Press Service of the Vinnytsia-Bar Diocese of the UOC (OCU)

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