Metropolitan Symeon took part in a forum dedicated to Ukrainian doctors and their work during the war

On September 20, 2024, a forum of remembrance was held in Vinnytsia: "Ukrainian doctors. Feat and sacrifice in gaining and defending Ukraine's independence". This event, which has been held in Vinnytsia for several years in a row, is dedicated to honoring the feat of doctors and medical workers who save the lives and health of Ukrainian defenders, and to the memory of the doctors who died during the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The Forum was attended by doctors, family members of the fallen medics from different regions of Ukraine, representatives of local authorities, members of public and volunteer organizations, and diplomats from different countries. At the invitation of the organizers, Metropolitan Symeon of Vinnytsia and Bar took part in the Forum.

Traditionally, the event began with a minute of silence and a prayer, which Metropolitan Symeon said in front of the memorial stele in honor of the fallen doctors, which is installed on the territory of the Vinnytsia Medical College. After the prayer, the forum participants laid flowers at the stele.

The official part of the event was held in the college's assembly hall and included speeches by doctors, families of the victims, government officials and guests of the Forum. Everyone spoke about the feat of people who dedicated themselves to the noble profession of medicine and sacrificially served and are serving Ukraine and its people, despite the danger and conditions in which they have to save the lives and health of people affected by the war and, above all, soldiers-defenders.

In his speech, Metropolitan Symeon emphasized that the sacrificial service of doctors is essentially the fulfillment of the commandment to love one's neighbor, which the Lord Jesus Christ called one of the two main commandments and was an example of its fulfillment.

Metropolitan Symeon thanked the doctors for their work and expressed his gratitude to the representatives of the families of the deceased doctors for the feat of their loved ones. The Archpastor awarded individual medical workers with certificates of merit for their sacrificial service in preserving health, life and God's gift of freedom and independence of Ukraine. The medal of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine "For Sacrifice and Love for Ukraine" was awarded to doctor and volunteer Yuriy Kozak.

Metropolitan Symeon also read prayers for Ukraine and its victory, for doctors and medical workers, and called for God's blessing on all participants of the Memorial Forum.

Press service of the Diocese of Vinnytsia and Bar of the UOC (OCU)

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